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… to Bartons on the Web! This is the only C/o The Bartons fansite in the world! Whether you know it as The Bartons, Les Bartons, Los Barton or as Die 6 Bartons, this is the place to go for everything there is to know about the television series, the book and the film. Backgrounds, insights, interviews with cast and crew, trivia and more; it's all here!

A BIG thank you goes out to both Olivia Wenholz (née Harkin), who played Elly on the show; and Rosemary Smith, who played Anita. Together, they contributed tons of information, anecdotes and insights and the majority of the photos you can find on this site.

I could not have done this without you two and I'm happy and privileged to be able to call you my friends!

Finally, an equally BIG thank you goes out to Jocelyn Moorhouse for agreeing to an interview! I'm very grateful for that opportunity!

Enjoy yourself and let me know what's missing, wrong or (hopefully) right!

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 Bartons on the Web site admin

Last updated: June 2024

PS: if you'd like to get in touch with me, you can do so using the contact page. This site's mission and future plans combined with a site FAQ can be found right over here.

"Bartons on the Web" is an ode, a 'thank you' and a pedestal to the people that worked on and starred on one of the most underrated and often forgotten Australian children's drama series out there. Its goal is to give the show the love and attention it deserves, and aims to be the biggest resource on C/o The Bartons and all associated works available anywhere, online or offline.
Erwin ( site admin)
"Bartons on the Web" is an ode, a 'thank you' and a pedestal to the people that worked on and starred on one of the most underrated and often forgotten Australian children's drama series out there. Its goal is to give the show the love and attention it deserves, and aims to be the biggest resource on C/o The Bartons and all associated works available anywhere, online or offline.
Erwin ( site admin)

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Category: SERIES

Promotional banner for the A Streetcar Named Desire play
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On Wednesday 19 June 2024, Olivia will go on stage in a production again after 17 years.

She'll appear as Nurse (also known as "A Strange Woman") in the Free-Rain Theatre Company production of A Streetcare Named Desire in Kingston, ACT, Australia.

The show runs for 11 days, from the 19th until the 29th with shows ...

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Today is the official 9th anniversary of C/o the Bartons!

Huh, what? Didn't it turn 35 just last year!?

Well yes... and no. Since the very first episode was broadcast in Australia on a leap day, 29 February 1988, you could consider today to be only its ninth anniversary :)

But for everybody else, today marks the 36th ...

Rosemary Smith and Olivia Harkin on set
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Page updates are a bit further apart nowadays because all the source material is pretty much on the site.

But I just found two pictures in my collection that I had not previously uploaded to the site (for unknown reasons). I added them for your enjoyment!

Olivia ...

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Today marks the 35th anniversary of the conclusion of the production of Bartons. By this day in 1987, everything was shot, edited and transferred on to broadcast tapes. Only one thing remained left to do...

So, on 22 August 1987, a big Going Away-party was held in Studio 31. It was the very last time cast ...

Fire Station 31 in 1960
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With full credits to fellow Bartons fan Richard, a new filming location has been confirmed! It's the fire station seen in the episode Position Vacant, completing all filming locations used in that episode!

And what's really cool is that Richard reached out to Fire Rescue Victoria, ...

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Happy New Year!
Here's hoping that this year is better than the last two were (although, strictly from a Bartons on the Web point of view, they weren't too bad, but you get what I mean, right?).

New content!
We start the year with a nice content update! If you scoot over to ...



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