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No self respecting fan site should go without a fan art section… so here's ours!

Made something that you'd like to share with other fans? Drop me a line and maybe I'll post it here.


[4] Created by me using NightCafé's AI Painter tool

Please refer to the legal disclaimer for copyright statements and liability limitations regarding third party contributors. All photographs used with permission. Please do not copy these images without asking.

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Starry Night at Copnal Court depicts the famous Barton residence in the style of Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh.

Click the image to download a high resolution version.


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Elly in the backyard is based on a screenshot from The Great Billycart Aid Race and depicts Elly staring at Paul while cooking up an idea to feed the world. In the style of Vincent van Gogh's Self portrait.

Click the image to download a high resolution version.


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Anita in the style of Andy Warhol. Based on a backstage photo provided by Rosemary Smith.

Click the image to download a high resolution version.




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